Some questions do not have answers

Saturday, March 25, 2006


I was reading my horoscope a couple of days ago and it told me that I was going to receive a windfall that day and that I should use the money wisely.

Well, it really happened! Actually, I didn't receive just one windfall. I received two. One was from my parents who decided to transfer more money into my account, and another was from the bond of my previous apartment.

I usually read my horoscopes at the beginning of the month and nothing ever happens... either that or it's so vague that I don't even understand what they're talking about. There was once where the horoscope informed me that it was my astrological birthday and I should go out and celebrate. I mean...what?

Anyway, I've decided to change the skin of my blog. I actually think my previous one looks better but I figured that I should return to my childhood favourite color for a while.

Hopefully my horoscope informs me that Chanel will be on 90% sale next.

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