Some questions do not have answers

Monday, March 20, 2006


I'm back.

After not one, not two, not three but seven weeks of life without internet. It's amazing that I survived. Personally, the first 3 weeks were the hardest - I felt like a fish out of water. After that I just got numb to the fact that I couldn't talk to anybody when I was at home. As a result, I turned to other things to amuse myself, like:

1. Baking. Enough said.
2. Reading. Reading has always been one of my favourite hobbies but somehow ever since MSN came along instead of reading myself to sleep I chatted myself to sleep.
3. E-mailing. Yup, sad but true. I was reduced to sending emails and snailmails to communicate.
4. Talking on the phone. Even then, that was just initially because I was going crazy staying alone with no internet. It's like being cut off from civilization. Now I'm back to being anti-social i.e. refusing to pick up calls and living in my own world.
5. Watching TV. Watched more TV in the 7 weeks than what I usually do in 7 months.

I also realise that

1. Maybe sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind.
2. Periodontal disease can look really nasty.
3. I'm a cold person if I choose to be. Realised that when I met a girl who had the exact same personality as me.
4. I'm gaining weight. Not unexpected considering baking is my hobby.
5. I really really hate doing laundry.

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