Some questions do not have answers

Monday, January 30, 2006

Two More Days...

In two days' time I will be heading back to Melbourne. This year, I am strangely reluctant to head back compared to my previous years. There are several likely causes which include:

1. It would be the first year I would be celebrating my birthday away from home.
2. I do not have a room all ready and waiting for me when I go back. All I have is a room full of boxes. And more boxes. I have to unpack *moan*
3. I received my schedule for the year and it looks like I'll be getting up at 7am. Every. Single. Uni. Day.
4. For the first time, I'll be travelling alone back to Melbourne. It's a tad depressing. Also, because I'm going back so early, very few people would be there.
5. I miss everything.

It's all just an emotional turmoil. Not sure what is wrong.

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