Some questions do not have answers

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

When You Wish Upon A Starfish...

It was my birthday last Sunday according the Chinese Lunar Calendar. Usually my parents would celebrate my official birthday on the day itself but this year, it is not possible. This is because I'll be going back to Melbourne in early February as opposed to late February in the previous years. For the first time, I'll be celebrating my birthday away from home. *sniffles*

As a token present, my parents gave me my first 21st birthday present. Technically speaking I've already gotten my presents but this was one my parents kept for this occassion. Besides, I've unwrapped all the other presents from them so this is the only one which is more of a mystery .

Tiffany & Co paperbag - every girl's dream. Alright, not every girl but definitely mine.

Famous trademark box with ribbon - two things to note. Firstly, the ribbon is red as opposed to the classic white ribbon that comes with every Tiffany & Co purchase. This is because my parents bought it for me in December where they giftwrap everything with a red ribbon for the Christmas season. This is the first time I've gotten a red ribbon instead of the traditional white. Something different for a change I guess. White still looks the best though. Second thing to note is that the ribbon looks a bit ... pathetic. That's because I'd already opened it before I took the photo. It was a perfectly made ribbon before I ripped it apart.

Elsa Peretti Starfish Necklace - the one piece of jewelry I wanted ever since I knew of the existence of Tiffany & Co. For those who are lost as to why I am obsessed with this piece and only this piece, it is because I am obsessed about most things connected to stars. However, it somehow managed to elude me even with my seemingly invincible 'If I want it, I will get it' attitude. Until now. This is because the first one I got was a gift from someone and the second because I wanted a bracelet instead of having two necklaces. I love my parents!! This necklace has two tags near the clasp as opposed to just one in my previous pieces - one for Tiffany & Co and one for Elsa Peretti. Something I just now. I used to think that having two tags certified a particular piece of Tiffany & Co jewelry as an imitation. Oops... .

Anyway, my friend asked me if starfishes were actually fishes or something else. After some browsing in the wonderful world wide web I have managed to rake up these facts:

  • Starfishes are in the phylum Echinodermata. This is the phylum where all spiny-skinned tide pool creatures are lumped in.
  • Starfishes are in the class of Asteroidea which literally means..well... starfish.
  • Starfishes have no front or back and are able to move in any direction without turning themselves. This is due to their complex hydraulic system which helps them move and cling onto rocks. No, I am not going to explain how a complex hydraulic system works. It's complex! That's because I don't know what it means either .
  • Starfishes are not always symmetrical. They are capable of rearranging themselves into any shape they want to squish in between rock crevices and such other deformities in the rocks.
  • The texture of starfishes are supposed to be sluggish, although when picked up, they tend to stiffen.

Pink Star Pisaster Brevenspinus

Bat Star Patiria Miniata

Leather Seastar Dermasterias Imbricata

Horned Seastar Protoreaster nodosus

All things starry capture my heart.

Note: This should really have been two posts. But they were related so I decided to stick them together. Hope it didn't get too lengthy or boring.

1 comment(s):

your necklace is gorgeous

By Blogger Coconut Ice, at 1:41 AM  

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