Some questions do not have answers

Monday, November 14, 2005

Toothpaste Term

We count time in various different blocks. Millenia, centuries, decades, years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds, miliseconds etc. I have another way of counting time for myself. Well, it's not really an actual accurate time, but I do it anyway. I count a block of time according to how long it takes for me to finish a tube of toothpaste.

As most of you are probably aware of by now, I am obsessive about my toothpaste. Every time I open a new box with a new tube of toothpaste I see it as a fresh new start, a new and possibly perfect term where the toothpaste will remain nice and intact until the end, that is when I finish it. For the record, it has never happened before. Something, or someone, will inevitably squeeze the toothpaste in the middle of the tube, thus rendering it ugly and with a crease. Which would put me off for a day. WHY can't people just leave my tube of toothpaste alone??

Which made me feel particularly annoyed when I opened a new box of toothpaste a few days ago. I opened it, thinking that maybe this is THE time that my toothpaste tube will be perfect when I realised that it was ALREADY squashed.

There goes my perfect toothpaste term.

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