Some questions do not have answers

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Spiders and Lizards

I went for my first exam paper of the semester (out of 6, I still have a long way to go) today and got a surprise. Not exactly a pleasant one. I was working through the questions when suddenly I saw a huge spider on my paper.

Alright, slight exaggeration. It wasn't huge...but it was bigger than the average spider. Maybe about 3cm? That's pretty big right? I stiffled a gasp and swiped at it with my ruler. Still there! then I was starting to get annoyed. Here I am with too little time to deal with the paper and here was a spider refusing to get off the table. Swiped at it again and finally managed to get it off the table. *sigh of relief*

I do not really have a phobia for spiders, so that's all fine. But the experience today reminded me of what happened to me once during a Maths test when I was in secondary school. We were in class working through the maths problems when I suddenly felt something sort of brushing my calf. I thought it was a piece of paper that somehow got blown onto my leg so I absent-mindedly moved my leg a little so that the paper would fall off.

The 'piece of paper' that I imagined it to be started to move UPWARDS. Panicked, I looked down and stiffled a shriek. Right there on my leg was a disgusting lizard. ARGH!!! I hate lizards. Alright, I'm just a sucker who has a huge phobia and am therefore putting the blame on those disgusting creatures. But the point is, there it was right on my leg. In the middle of the maths test. However, I did not scream. It was a test - I had to be considerate right? So I somehow jerked my leg and thank all the stars in heaven, the lizard dropped onto the floor and walked (walked? ran? slithered? crawled?) off.

My friend who was sitting next to me thought I was posessed!!! My movements must have suggested some sort of seizure, I don't know - but the truth was I was almost paralyzed with fear. Anyway, that lizard walked towards one of my friends who saw it and promptly started screaming her head off.

And the whole Maths test was disrupted and the teacher in charged told everybody off for being such babies. I can laugh about it now...but personally, at that moment it was awful.

Hoping no more creatures visit me during exams.

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