Some questions do not have answers

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Signed, Sealed and Delivered

After two whole days of frantic packing and trying to keep my act together, I have finally managed to move everything from my previous apartment into my new one, in between several breakdowns. Every so often while packing I would sit down, call someone and whine,'Argh...there's so much to do I just wanna die...where's my Mango Bear??'

Sadly, no Mango Bear appeared and I had to pack everything by myself. However, everything is now over with some help from a few friends to move to the new apartment. The amazing thing about packing is that you realise that you only use about 20% of everything that you have. There were clothes that I forgot I had, stationery that I didn't even know I bought and various small knick knacks that I thought was 'so cute' I had to buy them but were just lying around collecting dust. It is during times like this that I appreciate my mother's wisdom - ever since I was young she has been telling me off, saying that I should only buy what I really need, not want. If only I listened to her...

I am certainly not looking forward to coming back to Melbourne next year and having to unpack everything that I have in my new apartment. The room that I am moving to is smaller than the one I am currently living in - not sure how is that supposed to work out. However, I don't think it should be viewed in a bad way. Perhaps living in a smaller room will force me to stay neater to conserve space.

Besides, maybe by then I would have found a Mango Bear.

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