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Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Good Chick Lit

This semester I've been reading more than that I have ever had ever since I came to Melbourne. Reading has always been my hobby, although many people are surprised when they hear it. I find it difficult to fall asleep at night if I don't read at least a chapter or two to calm my mind. Sort of like a ritual. Anyway, here's a few light reads that I particularly like.

1. Undomestic Goddess by Sophie Kinsella. It's about this big time lawyer who screws up, runs away and ends up a housekeeper in the country. Very unrealistic but good happy ending anyway.

2. Spellbound by Jane Green. Just finished reading it a couple of days ago. It's more meaningful than Undomestic Goddess because I think it's more realistic with a lot of issues that many girls really face out there. Happy ending as well. Come to think of it, all the books I read have happy endings.

3. Two Princesses of Bamarre by Gail Carson Levine. Same author who wrote Ella Enchanted, which is also a brilliant book. If you watched the movie and didn't read the book I highly recommend it. Very nice fairy-tale like feel to it. I know it's recommended for children but I think it's a good read even if you're older.

4. The Blue Castle by L.M. Montgomery. One of my favourite authors of all time. About an old maid who thought she only had 6 months to live and decided to do all she didn't do when she was young. I cried reading it.

5. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. You won't regret it.

2 chicken sandwiches = 600 calories
1 double chocolate muffin = 300 calories
1 instant pasta = 450 calories
3 mandarin oranges = 180 calories
Total = 1530 calories (not bad)

2 comment(s):

You missed "Divine Secrets of the Yaya Sisterhood"

By Blogger Shiny Blue Black, at 8:46 PM  

U shld try Jane Green's older books i.e. Bookends and Jemima J which are much better.

By Blogger boo_licious, at 10:40 PM  

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