Some questions do not have answers

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Chocolate Boutique 1

I've been looking back at all my photos from ages ago that I have not put up because of my non-existent/lousy internet connection. Now that my internet is semi-restored (I say semi because whenever I get comfortable, it acts up again), I shall attempt to put these up. Also because there's nothing new and exciting happening in my life right now.

Anyway, these pictures are from Cacao, which is a chocolate boutique in St Kilda. They were taken in February, which is ages ago. On my birthday, actually. But they still look delicious so who cares. They sell other stuff besides chocolate like pastries and cakes, but I don't have the photos of them.

A few pieces of their chocolate range. Particularly like their packaging because they put the chocolate into wooden boxes. They almost won me over from my Koko Black fantasy - more on that when I talk about Koko Black next time.

Chocolate Eiffel Tower. Yum yum!

Chocolate Chess Set. Tons of motivation to win.

One of the desserts. Can't remember what it is.

Ending on a completely irrelevant note. Found an article about the Hermes Birkin in one of the magazines they had there. How much would I pay? Not enough.

1 chocolate frog = 200 calories
1 pack instant pasta = 450 calories
A few M&Ms = 50 calories
1 mandarin orange = 60 calories (my token fruit of the day)
1 chicken sandwich = 400 calories
Total = 1170 (it's a start)

1 comment(s):

Speaking of chocolate boutiques, what do you think of Leonidas, Godivas or Royce?

By Blogger Chuang Shyue Chou, at 12:19 PM  

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