Some questions do not have answers

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Evelyn Loves Nila

Just got back from my friend's 21st birthday. Tired, grumpy and exhausted. I just want to start studying so that I don't fail.

Interesting facts I learnt:

1. The word 'nila' which means blue is originally Sanskrit. Never knew that - always thought it was Malay. I still remember where I learnt that word from - from the Malay proverb 'Kerana setitik nila, rosak susu sebelanga' which loosely translated means ' Because of a drop of blue dye, an entire jug of milk is ruined'.

2. If possible babysit, a 3-tiered birthday cake at the backseat of the car instead of putting it into the boot. And always put on truffles at the last minute.

Me and the birthday cake. Just had to take another photo with it.

3. When you think the past is the past and nothing will come back to haunt you again - it comes back.

1 slice birthday cake = 300 calories
1/2 bag Sweet Chilli Smith's Potato Chips = 600 calories
1 slice ice cream cake = 600 calories
Random bits of food at party = 500? 700??
Alcoholic Beverages = 300? 3000??
Total calories = Too much! *sob*

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