Some questions do not have answers

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

The Way Things Turn Out

At the beginning of this year, I concluded that I had to remain positive. Positive thinking would bring positive results right?? That's how I saw it anyway. I was determined that as long as I remain positive, all things positive would come to me.

Almost a quarter of a year has passed and I can't say that life has been cruel to me. On the contrary, I have a lot to be thankful for. However, lots of things have been happening that are just...bizarre.

Do things happen for a reason, or is everything just an accident? Is there really such a thing as fate? I wonder. With each passing day I feel as if everything that has been happening seems to have no rhyme or reason - just a crazy jumble of odd happenings which has only managed to confuse me further.

One thing I know for sure - I. Must. Stop. Shopping.

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