Some questions do not have answers

Friday, February 10, 2006


Several remarks that have been made to me in the past few days:

1. "If I ever see you with a plaster knife in this workroom again carving plaster you won't live." - Prosthetics Demonstrator 1
All I did was to remove a tiny piece of plaster from my denture model. Really. *innocent* Anyway, it's not like I did it on purpose. I didn't even know we couldn't do that.

2. "You're doing a rollie." - Prosthetics Demonstrator 2
He then proceeded to roll my chair away and picked up my white jacket from under the wheels. Or should I say striped jacket. :(

3. "You're talking too much." - Prosthetics Demonstrator 1
Whenever someone says that to me, I always have this sinking feeling that maybe I do talk too much. Maybe I should try being demure for a day and see what happens.

4. "Size 36 did you say? Let me check. Yes, we do have it in store - the last pair in the entire state of Victoria." - FCUK salesgirl
I didn't buy it. Alright, I did. But it was the LAST pair! To resist was impossible. It's a pastel green cork wedge...*sigh* That purchase has rendered me cashless for the next 3 weeks. But it was worth it. :D

5. "I'm confiscating your Oreos" – Friend
I'm Oreo-less. Someone come and feed me.

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