Some questions do not have answers

Monday, February 06, 2006

Back In Reality

I'm finally back in Melbourne after 2 months of solid doing-nothing-bumming-around-the-house. In a sense,life is great. I get to go out when I want to, shop what I want, eat what I want (for most part - some of my friends are Nazis when it comes to trying to get me to eat healthy) and do basically anything if I so happen to have a whim.

However, coming back here wasn't easy - not when most of my friends won't be back for another 3 weeks and I have a whole house of unopened boxes. Luckily, I had a few friends who came over to help me unpack, to which I have to say thanks a million, zillion, trillion times. I'll probably stil be sitting on the boxes crying if none of you showed up. Haha...

Currently living with no internet, no phone line and no housemates. It gets very lonely at night, particularly because I am so used to having somebody to talk to on MSN whenever wherever. However, it is not so bad. All fellow dent students who had to come back earlier with me are keeping me company for now.

Just started my first day of uni learning how to make a pair of dentures. Currently battling with hot wax and stainless steel wires. Sometimes I wish I had never come to Melbourne :,(

Very whiny post. Will post about more cheerful things next time - such as my perfectly arranged wardrobe, to-die-for chocolate and more shoes.

Going back to waxing.

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