Some questions do not have answers

Tuesday, February 14, 2006


Evelyn's Pet Hates

1. Walking down a street and seeing somebody coming from the opposite direction wearing the same shirt/shoes/bag as I am.

2. Meeting the perfect shoe only to find out that they don't have it in my size.

3. Running out of excuses to get out of something I never wanted to do and finally being guilted into it.

4. Telling your friend you want to buy something that you really like but haven't had time to go and get it, only to see her with the exact same thing you were talking about 2 weeks later.

5. Waking up with a bad hair day.

6. Discovering that my toothpaste has been squeezed in the middle (there are whole posts devoted to this topic)

7. Coming home one day after a whole long day of shopping only to realise that I've lost one side of my favourite earring.

8. Someone calling me on the phone when I'm juggling 10 shopping bags.

9. Disconnecting from MSN every 5 minutes when I'm talking to people.

10. Trying to solve the Mystery Of The Missing Contact Lense when I wake up in the morning.

11. People telling me what to do when they clearly have no right to do so. Frankly, as far as I'm concerned, I'm only answerable to my parents. If you think my parents are lousy parents, keep it to yourself.

12. Any insinuation that I eat too little, eat too much, spend too much, shop too much, cook too little, goodness knows' what else that I'm supposed to be doing with my life. My. Life.. Please refer to point 11.

13. People with no tact. There are nice ways to say everything. And for the record, there are things that are just not meant to be said.

Sick and tired of many things that are happening in my life.

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