Some questions do not have answers

Friday, January 20, 2006

More Than Just Peeved

After a sleepless night due to disturbances in the night in two forms, it's hard for me to be in a good mood. The first disturbance came around 2am when my brother came home slightly drunk and proceeded to throw everything that was in his pockets at me. Let me tell you although a phone is small, it is still a hard object and can still cause considerable pain. After that, he chose fall into bed - literally. Except he chose to do it on MY bed when I was still on it.

I got so annoyed I decided to just go downstairs to sleep instead of fighting with someone who was obviously not going to listen. After about 5 minutes, my brother called me and told me that I could have my own bed back. So far, so good. However, by then it was already around 3am and I was already too annoyed to fall asleep.

After I finally managed to drift off, I was then annoyed by mosquitoes the rest of the night (a whole 2 hours, since I had to get up at 6.30am to play tennis with my Dad).

Fast forward to lunch time. My parents wanted to eat nasi lemak and requested that I go with my brother to get it. Since I wanted to go out with my friends, I said that I'll get it instead. I went there and had to wait for half an hour to get 10 measly packets of it. That's not what pissed me off. What annoyed me was the fact that a person who came after me got her order first because she ordered 3 packets, as opposed to my comparatively large order of 10. What's the logic in that?! Hmph!!! Plus, my friends had to wait for me -so I was feeling bad at the same time for making them wait.

Obviously am not in an amicable frame of mind. I'm going shopping.

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