Some questions do not have answers

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Yet Another Post

A couple of days ago I went out with my friend for lunch and came back with yet another pair of shoes. This marks the beginning of yet another series of shopping sprees after my month-long break. Yup, the last time I shopped it was exactly one month ago where I shopped so much I actually got sick, literally. Haven't blogged about that experience yet because I want to post up pictures of it, but haven't gotten round to doing it. I am finally back on the scene again and I'm loving every minute of it, even though I'm technically supposed to be bankrupt now. But as I told my friend - if you want something that much, you will find the means to get it even if you have to...oh, I don't know...starve for a week.

I used to shop because I was depressed and I had a lot on my mind. During those times, I would listlessly wander around in the shops looking for things I liked. Then I would buy them and come back feeling slightly better... but without even bothering to unpack the stuff I bought when I got home because frankly - I didn't really care much for it. As a result, my room would be lined up with paperbags from various boutiques - fresh and unopened for weeks...until it suddenly occurred to me that maybe I want to actually use what I bought.

However, today was different. I went shopping when I was in a good mood and I have to say that shopping when one is happy is much better than when one is sad. I can only equate it to eating a slice of chocolate mud cake on a cold day in winter.

This stint may have been triggered off by the fact that I recently lost weight. When I lose weight, suddenly all the clothes I see are appealing, because naturally when I ressembled a pregnant sea cow, I looked bad in everything. But when I'm thinner - suddenly everything looks great! When things look great... the natural progression of things is to get them! Yay!

Besides that, my favourite pair of jeans has finally decided to give way due to 2-3 years of very rough use. At first, I mourned over the loss - after all, it was my favourite pair of jeans. I connected with it! However, on second thoughts, this means I can get a new pair. What? Did somebody say I have a whole cupboardful of other jeans - meaning I don't need a new pair? I. Don't. Care.

The perfect excuse to go shopping at this point in time is that Chinese New Year is coming up. Which means I need new clothes and new shoes. And new hair and new accessories. I am really looking forward to going for an all day shopping spree soon before I head back to Melbourne where I continue shopping.

It also helps that my credit card is working again. I love love triple quadruple love my parents.

Note: This post sounds like I'm high on sugar or something. I'm not. Also, this is probably the first time I'm blogging about shopping as openly as this. This is probably due to the fact that I do not care how people judge me when it comes to my shopping habits anymore - as I previously did. If I want it, I will get it. So there!

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