Some questions do not have answers

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


Once when it was autumn the leaves were all turning red and gold and I looked up at the sky and suddenly it hit me that the world was beautiful. Then it stuck me again a couple of days ago when I was watching a show featuring a man made wave. The person was saying that to generate the wave, an enormous amount of energy was needed. Then I thought of the waves in the ocean, far bigger and greater than that small man made strip of water and felt so small.

It seems that everyday we tend to just focus on the things in life that seem so big and important to us that we forget about the grand scheme of things. We have schedules to keep, work to do and so much so that we forget about the other things in life that are wonderful. The things that peeve and irritate us stay in our mind like mosquitoes on a still night but when we stop to think about it, isn't all these things insignificant?

There are so many things that I have not seen yet. I want to go to Alaska one day and see aurora borealis there, even if I have to freeze there for several days. I want to go to Prince Edward Island and see for myself the beauty of the place that L.M. Montgomery talks about in her novels. Even more than that, I want to just go to a beach at night, lie down on the sand look up at the stars and realise how small I am in the universe and put my worries and stresses into perspective.

We worry too much. Does the thing that is bugging you really that significant? Now when I think about it, if you take everything one step at a time, everything will be fine. Eventually.

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