Some questions do not have answers

Monday, January 23, 2006

Ferris Wheel in BatTown

I just got back from a town in Johore which translates directly as bat. Yeah, the animal. In plain Malay language it's Keluang...although I understand they have simplified it to just Kluang. It was just a spur of the moment trip me and my friend decided to take because it was raining in Batu Pahat and there was nothing else to do. Plus, I haven't been there for a long time so perhaps my friend wanted to humour me.

The ride there takes just less than an hour from Batu Pahat and is basically a modified trunk road with lots of little towns along the way. I think I almost drove my friend crazy whenever we went past the towns. Conversation went something like this:

Me: Look, they sell mobile phones here!
Friend: This town isn't that sad you know...
Me: There's a bank too!!! *excited*
Friend: Uh huh...
Me: There's even a jewellers!!!!! *triple excited*
Friend: ....

Anyway, we finally arrived in Kluang and imagine my surprise when I saw that a funfair was in town. I was particularly interested in the Ferris wheel. In my humble opinion, one of the most effective ways to create a romantic atmosphere with someone is to go on a Ferris wheel together. At night. There's only one word to describe it - enchanting. Something about being above the grounds of a funfair with the lights and the motion of the wheel as it rotates.

No, I didn't go on it. It was too late and seducing my friend wasn't on my to-do list.

Volksprater Funfair Ferris Wheel in Vienna, Austria

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