Some questions do not have answers

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

5 Things I Miss About Melbourne

After about a month of being here in Batu Pahat, I realise that there are things in Melbourne that I do not have in Batu Pahat. Which is why I have decided to launch into a list of things that I miss about Melbourne. *sigh*

1. FREEDOM. Admittably this has its pros and cons. Back in Malaysia, my every move is watched like a hawk by my parents. Which means if I want to go out, I have to tell them. Which would lead to questions like,' Where are you going?' and 'When will you be back?' In Melbourne however, I am answerable to nobody. If I don't want to go home for the night, so be it. Nobody is going to kick up a fuss or question my actions. On the down side, in Melbourne I kinda have to do everything myself.

2. Food. I am missing my Chocolate Mud Cake so much. I want it. NOW.

3. The Water Pressure. Yes, you read right. In Malaysia when I shower, the water is like a trickle. A drip. Imagine trying to wash your hair with water that is so...listless. In Melbourne, the shower is an actual shower. As far as I'm concerned, the higher the pressure, the better. I want to wash my hair properly again!!

4. Shopping. This is probably slightly connected to freedom as well. In Melbourne, I like to go shopping once during the weekend, and once in the middle of the week when I'm feeling slightly down. Here, my mom thinks I'm crazy that I want to shop so often because 'What is there to shop?!' That is true. In a sense, there's way more things to shop in Melbourne. But Melbourne doesn't have 20 cent butterfly clips and pirated DVDs. I miss shopping!!

5. Magazines. One of my favourite past times is to go to Borders and take a whole stack of magazines such as the various editiosn of Vogue, Harper's Bazaar and Cosmopolitan. Then I'll sit there and read the whole lot, effectively wasting my afternoon away. I can't do that here! *sigh* I have not read a single Vogue since November...I'm so behind :(

This is a sign that I want to go back. Fickle me.

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