Some questions do not have answers

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Mouth Ulcers

When I was young every week or so I'd get ulcers in my mouth. It seemed to be one of those never ending afflictions that I had - the moment one healed, another one would form. So half of my childhood was spent basically whining about how much I was suffering and why I couldn't eat because the pain was so great.

When I moved to Melbourne miraculously it stopped. Therefore I can only assume that the ulcers are either due to the weather or the diet that I have in Malaysia. I'm inclined to think that it's the diet...although I'm not sure what sparks ulcers off.

Anyway, I went up to KL last weekend for my cousin's wedding and for one of the biggest shopping trips I've ever gone on. When I got back, I had the worst hangover ever - sore feet, sore back, mouth ulcer, sore throat and headache.

Proof that too much of a good thing can be bad too.

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